Wednesday, July 6, 2011

End of Day 1........

Earlier this afternoon, I went to the Dr. I have had a nasty summer cold since the weekend, I got checked out, but also I got weighed, 275, not quite the 280 that I thought that I was up to, but that means that I have gained 15 pounds since Christmas (and the start of the sitting at a desk full-time job)....

During the ride to and from the Dr's at every turn I was accosted with fast-food restaurants and also accosted with desires to stop and partake!

I had never realized how HUGE a part of my life fast food had become...... 

I remember thinking that I might save LOTS of money following this plan and learning to eat this way for life....

At the end of the first day I find myself wanting to sneak a tootsie roll.....but I haven't...

The big question now is, who is going to shop on a regular basis for the food and prepare it when we are all so busy!?

Stay tuned, more to come in the following days.............

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